Press Releases for Innovation leader

  • 612

    The Enemy of Innovation? Expertise, Says Author of "Best Practices Are Stupid", Stephen Shapiro

    People tend to think an expert is the be-all and end-all - the A-to-Z on an important subject. But that's not true when it comes to innovation, says writer and innovation leader Stephen Shapiro, author of "Best Practices Are Stupid". Expertise can actually keep business leaders from that one great idea that will push them to the top.

    By : | 10-18-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 612

  • 746

    Innovation Expert Stephen Shapiro - Not All Brains Are Built Smart

    To see how to build an efficient and effective organizational system, examine the most complex system in the body - the human brain. Neuroscience now provides us with more information about the brain than ever before. By better understanding how intelligent brains operate, we can learn how to create more intelligent organizations.

    By : | 06-06-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Books | Total Views : 746